At the time, we were all young researchers who, in addition to teaching, were also doing master’s and doctoral degrees. The group was made up of engineers, architects and designers, and what we had in common was the feeling that sustainability was a current issue, but that there was a lack of practical discussion on the subject that would meet the needs of people working on projects.
The perception was that the topic was treated in an overly conceptual way and that is why many did not take the issue seriously. In the projects, numerous relevant factors were considered at the most diverse stages: ergonomics, cost, market issues, aesthetics, target audience needs, etc. When the question was whether or not it was sustainable, the solution was to indicate that the materials used “could” be recycled, for example.
And in the middle of this discussion, someone brought up a call for proposals that FAPESC was launching to support scientific events. And then we had the idea: let’s hold an event to discuss this problem? An event where anyone who works with projects, whether they are engineers, architects, designers or any other profession, can come and talk about it, show what they are doing, and bring and take away information? An event that could serve both the academic and professional/business audiences?

Since then, ENSUS – Sustainability in Project Meeting has taken place in twelve editions, the first three (2007, 2008 and 2009) at Univali – University of Vale do Itajaí.

Coordinated in all editions by professors Lisiane Ilha Librelotto and Paulo Cesar Machado Ferroli, from 2016 onwards the event has always taken place at UFSC – Federal University of Santa Catarina, with editions in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.
In 2021, the event returned to UFSC, and in 2022 it was organized by Professor Cláudia
Below is a summary of the main activities of each event:
1st edition – More information: ENSUS 2007
It was held in Balneário Camboriú/SC, on the UNIVALI Campus, and organized by professors Lisiane Ilha Librelotto, Paulo César Machado Ferroli and Flávio Anthero Nunes Vianna dos Santos. The event gave participants the opportunity to present reflections in the areas of Industrial Design and Architecture and Urbanism. The Univali Events Center was responsible for the logistical support and issuing of certificates.
Program: in addition to the article presentations, we had 11 lectures, 1 round table and 2 workshops.
1. Environmental law contributing to sustainable development: perspectives. Prof. Rafael Burlani (UNIVALI)
2. Sustainability in Fashion Design. Prof. Rachel Quadros (UNOCHAPECÓ)
3. Ergonomics in Quality of Life. Prof. Manuel Salomón Saluzar Jarufe (UNIVALI)
4. Promoting sustainable development in the human habitat. Carlos Henrique Barcellos de Abreu (Tigre Company)
5. Tourism and sustainability. Prof. Marcelo Valente (UNIVALI)
6. Photovoltaic energy. Eng. Paulo Roberto Rodrigues (CELESC)
7. Nanotechnology applied in the process (Hering Company)
8. Legislation and Sustainable Development. Dr. Carlos Leomar Kreuz (FATMA)
9. Wind energy. Eng. Paulo Roberto Rodrigues (CELESC)
10. Recycling of post-consumer plastics in corrugated hoses for use in civil construction. Elaine Ferreira, Doctor
11. Mobilec – Marcelo Dacorégio (UFSC)
Architecture and Sustainability. Members: Hugo Lucini, João Thadeu (oceanography-environment), Angelo Cristofoli (Leisure) and Sergio Moraes.
Paper models. Carlos Eduardo Mauro (in memoriam) – UNIVALI
Solar heater. José Alcino Alano – CELESC
2nd edition – More information: ENSUS 2008
Organized by professors Paulo César Machado Ferroli, Lisiane Ilha Librelotto, Flávio Anthero Nunes Vianna dos Santos, Renato Buchelle Rodriguez and Jânio Vicente Rech, this edition was also held in Balneário Camboriú/SC, on the Univali Campus. The themes addressed in the first event were maintained, with the main focus being the study of sustainability from an environmental, economic and social point of view applied to projects in the areas of Engineering, Architecture and Design.
The event’s audience exceeded expectations, reaching a total of 377 people, including participants, columnists, speakers, the organizing committee and supporters.
From this edition onwards, the event lasted three days and practical workshops and mini-courses were introduced.
Program: in addition to the presentation of scientific articles orally and by posters, 16 lectures, 2 workshops and 3 mini-courses took place at the event:
2. FATMA – legislative considerations. Carlos Leomar Kreuz (FATMA).
3. Urban Noise and Acoustic Comfort. Prof. João Cândido Fernandez, PhD (UNESP)
4. The importance of ART – technical responsibility annotation for sustainability. CREA-SC Team
5. Sentinela – design of floating platforms for environmental monitoring. Raul Boledi, Designer
6. The issue of “gambiarra” and the use of “rich waste”. Rodrigo Bloufleur (USP)
7. Sustainable energy: photovoltaic and wind. Eng. Paulo Roberto Rodrigues – (CELESC).
8. Energy from the sea – Enersea floating platform for generating electricity by harnessing the action of waves, tides and ocean currents. Raul Boledi, Designer. 9. Sustainability in facility design. Alisson Hoffmann da Silva (UNIVALI).
10. Ecodesign – concepts and practical application in the Furniture Industry. Prof. Marina Otte (UNIVALI).
11. Falcão Bauer Ecological Seal for Certification of Eco-products. Cesar Augusto de Paula Pinto. (Falcão Bauer Institute)
12. Corporate Sustainability. Rafael Burlani (UNIVALI)
13. Social and environmental awareness for competitiveness in construction. Cristine do Nascimento Mutti, Ph.D. (UFSC)
14. Natural lighting in buildings using light tubes. Giovani Maria Arrigoni, Ph.D. (UFSC and UNIVALI)
15. Design, health promotion and sustainability at FioCruz. Hélio Grossmann.
16. Eco-efficiency – Whirlpool Team
1. Workshop on products made from recycled tetrapak, PET and Ecoarte handmade paper. UDESC team.
2. Practical workshop on making steam-powered toys using unused cans. Carlos Eduardo Mauro (in memoriam)
1. Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Cláudia Barroso Krause, PhD.
2. Acoustic Design of Environments. Prof. João Candido Fernandes, PhD. (UNESP-Bauru).
3. Sustainable Production Chains. Prof. Alexandre Lerípio, PhD. Eng. (UNIVALI)
3rd edition – More information: ENSUS 2009
It was held again in Balneário Camboriú/SC, at the Univali Campus, and organized by professors Paulo César Machado Ferroli, Lisiane Ilha Librelotto and Flávio Anthero Nunes Vianna dos Santos. This edition featured international speakers for the first time and had, in total, 12 technical lectures, 1 round table and 2 practical workshops. Also at this event, the best articles were published in the scientific journal MIG – Revista Científica de Design, which would become a recurring feature in later events.
International lectures:
- Citizens in the Age of Sustainability: children, young people and sustainable consumption. Prof. Antonio Joaquim Magalhães Cardoso, PhD – Fernando Pessoa University (Portugal)
Corporate Social Responsibility as a Sustainable Development Strategy. Prof. Álvaro Miguel da Costa Lima Cairrão, PhD – Fernando Pessoa University (Portugal).
National lectures:
1. Noise Pollution. João Cândido Fernandez, PhD (UNESP)
2. Sustainability and projects. Luiz Henrique Pellegrini (CREA-SC)
3. Solutions and Improvised Artifacts in the Issue of Sustainability. Designer Rodrigo Boufleur
4. Reducing Consumption through Product + Service Systems. Prof. Aguinaldo dos Santos, PhD – (UFPR).
5. Sustainability, Differentiation and Competitiveness in small production groups through design. Prof. Eugênio Andres Merino, PhD (UFSC)
6. Polymer Recycling Systems. Prof. Vicente de Paulo Santos Cerqueira, PhD (UFRJ)
7. Wind Energy. Giovani Maria Arrigoni, Ph.D. (UFSC). 8. Generation of Electrical Energy for Homes through the Incineration of Urban Waste: the Case of the 9. Thermal User of the City of Brescia, Italy. Prof. Cristine do Nascimento Mutti, Ph.D – (UFSC).
1. Practical workshop at the Laboratory of Models and Prototypes – Ecologically Sustainable Projects – Carlos Eduardo Mauro (in memoriam) (UNIVALI)
2. Practical workshop – Fernando Heráclio Silva Junior (Designer). Jewelry making using recycled material.
3. Practical workshop: Dennys Tormem – industrial design student
4th edition – More information: ENSUS 2016
In a “new home” and after a break to adapt, ENSUS held a new edition of the IV Meeting on Sustainability in Projects, held at UFSC, in Florianópolis, at the Culture and Events Center of the Trindade Campus. Since then, it has been held annually. The 2016 event had more than 350 participants and published 90 articles, with the 12 best-rated ones being published in the special edition of the MIX Sustentável magazine (online and printed editions). With 32 speakers, it addressed different themes of sustainability applied to projects. There were also workshops, mini-courses and exhibitions.
International lecture:
1. Projetos Sustentáveis – Eng. Alessandro Orsi – Green Building Factory – Universidade Politécnica de Valência
National lectures:
1. Climate Change and Civil Construction – Instituto Ekos Brasil
2. PBE Label – Building and Environmental Consulting Systems. Prof. Milena Sampaio Cintra (UnB)
3. Aluminum: part of the solution for sustainable construction. ABAL Team
4. Designing for the Environment – MMM (My Wooden Furniture)
5. Sustainability Management. Eduardo Straub.
6. Rational Use of Water and Success Stories. Adilma de Cássia Cintra (DOCOL)
7. Styrofoam Recycling – Termotécnica Company Team
8. Sustainable Production Chains – Prof. Alexandre de Ávila Lerípio, PhD. (UNIVALI)
9. Certifications / LEED for Homes. Cristina Shoji Pellizzetti – Architect, Master.
10. Efficient Home – EletroSul Team
11. Rethinking Fashion through Sustainability – Prof. Jacqueline Keller, PhD.
12. Designing Sustainable Solutions with the Crowd. Prof. Aguinaldo dos Santos, PhD. UFPR
13. Materials Technology in the Context of Productive Sustainability. Prof. Vicente de Paulo Santos Cerqueira, PhD. UFRJ.
14. Project Networks for Social Innovation and Sustainability. Prof. Carlo Franzato, Dr. UNISINOS
1. Mini-course: Fashion and Sustainability – Prof. Neide Kohler Schulte, PhD UDESC
2. Mini-course: Sustainable Projects – Eng. Alessandro Orsi – Green Building Factory – Polytechnic University of Valencia
Project presentations and exhibitions
1. Presentation: Ecological Bus Stop
2. Presentation of the Sustainable Mix project – distribution of magazines. Profs. Paulo Ferroli and Lisiane Librelotto
3. Exhibition of Prototypes of Wooden Educational Toys. Prof. Paulo Roberto da Silva – UFPE
2. Workshop: Heater with PET bottles – CELESC team
3. My Capable Friend Workshop – Carlos Eduardo Mauro (in memoriam) – UNIVALI
4. Cardboard Tubes Workshop – Architecture and Design – Prof. Gerusa Salado, Dr. UNICAMP
5th edition – More information: ENSUS 2017
It took place between May 3rd and 5th at UFSC, with an audience of around 450 participants. The best articles were published in a book in the Design and Sustainability series by Editora Blucher and also in a special edition of Mix Sustentável magazine.
1. Regenerative Landscaping. Toni Backes
2. Prefabricated concrete structures – performance and sustainability. Eng. Roberto Falcão Bauer
3. Ecological Projects. Marcos Acayaba, Dr.
4. Design for Sustainability – project and production. Tomás Barata, Dr. (UNESP)
5. BIM Projects in Containers. Architect Felipe Savassi
6. Projects in bamboo. Prof. Celso Salamon, Dr. and Fabiano Ostapiv, Dr. (UTFPR)
7. Sustainability in civil construction. Miguel Aloysio Sattler, PhD (UFRGS)
8. Solar cookers. Eng. Elmo Dutra Filho, MSc.
9. Strategies and ideas for more sustainable cities and buildings. Marcelo Bezerra, PhD (PUC-Rio)
10. Co-creation. Adriano Heemann (UFPR).
11. People and communities transforming cities. Journalist Claudia Visoni.
Round Table:
1. Challenges and Perspectives for Reducing the Environmental Impact of Human Activities with the debaters Sebastião Roberto Soares, Dr, Roberto Lamberts, PhD. and Ricardo Ruther, Dr.
6th edition: More information: ENSUS 2018
On April 18, 19 and 20, 2018, another edition of the event took place at UFSC. Once again, it featured a diverse program with lectures, round tables, presentations of articles and posters. The activities that were part of the program were:
1. Bamboo: raw material for the 21st Century – Prof. Antonio Ludovico Beraldo, PhD: – UNICAMP (in memoriam)
2. Architecture and Containers. Architect Danilo Corbas
3. Biomimetics and Sustainability: nature at the service of technology – design. Prof. Amilton José Arruda – UFPE
4. Habis Group Research. Akemi Ino (USP)
5. Slow Design – Bernadete Brandão (UFPR)
6. Future Scenarios in the Context of Design for Sustainability. Prof. Dulce de Meira Alback– UFPR
7. Development of Co-products: More Sustainable Projects, Processes and Products. Prof. Carlos Alberto Moraes – UNISINOS
8. Materials Library and Sustainable Materials: Challenges. Prof. Denise Dantas – FAU-USP
Round tables:
1. Round table “Smart Cities and Sustainable Cities: reality or utopia?” with professors: Renato Saboya, Adriana Marques Rosseto, Samuel Steiner, Soraya Nor and Lisiane Ilha Librelotto (Architecture and Post-ARQ – UFSC)
2. Round table Sustainability in Design: situation and perspectives. Prof. Adriano Heemann (PPGDesign – UFPR) and Prof. Celio Teodorico dos Santos (PPGDesign – UDESC) and Prof. Tomas Barata (PPGDesign from UNESP)
3. Round table “Incorporation of waste in the development of new products”: Maria Elise Magri, Dr. (UFSC), Joel Dias, Dr. (FURB), Rachel Magnago, Dr. (UNISUL)
1. Construction of bamboo geodesic domes. Profs. Fabiano Ostapiv, Dr. and Celso Salamon, Dr. – UTFPR
In addition to 23 thematic sessions and various exhibitions:
7th edition – More information: ENSUS 2019
The seventh edition of ENSUS was held from May 8 to 10, 2019, at UFSC. The following activities were carried out:
1. Logistics 4.0 and the issue of industrial solid waste. Prof. Joel Dias – FURB
2. Principles for Sustainable Construction. Obede Borges Faria – UNICAMP
3. Health Risks Associated with Inadequate Management of Construction Material Waste, Sonia Hess, Dr. UFSC
4. Sustainable Cities. José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra, Dr. UNISUL
5. Biokreto – Use of biomass waste in construction. Antônio Beraldo (in memoriam), Dr. UNICAMP
6. Design for Social Innovation: cases that tell a story. Liliane Iten Chaves, Dr. UFF
7. Strategic design actions focused on sustainability in a mining industry. Designer Thalis Nobre.
8. Common Property, Green Areas and Traditional Territories in Cities: paths to inclusive development. Rodrigo Rodrigues de Freitas, Dr. UNISUL
9. Reóleo Program. ACIF
Round tables:
1. Permaculture and urban environment: With Marcelo Venturi, Soraya Nor, Cecília Prompt (Margem Arquitetura), Mildred Gustack Delambre and Adilson Gorniack
2. Cases in Biomimetics today in Brazil – Fred Gelli, Marko Brajovic, Alessandra Araujo, Ney Robinson and Giane Brocco. Coordination Amilton Arruda
At the 2019 event, we started the Forums, which are parallel events with specific themes. At ENSUS 2019, two forums took place:
I National Forum on Bionics and Biomimetics. Coordinated by Prof. Amilton Arruda, PhD. UFPE
I Forum on Solar Cookers – Solar Cooker Workshop with scout groups. Coordinated by Prof. Elmo Dutra.
Book launches
Presentation of the book Bambu, with the presence of the authors Antonio Beraldo (in memoriam) – UNICAMP, Lisiane Librelott0 (UFSC), Gilberto Carbonari (UEL), Alexandre Vitor (UFSC) and Sumara Lisboa (UFSC)
Presentation of the book LENS, with the presence of the authors: Rita Engler (UEMG), Aguinaldo dos Santos (UFPR), Cláudio Sampaio (UEL)
8th edition – More information: ENSUS 2020
The eighth edition of ENSUS was held between May 12th and 14th, 2020, in a completely online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was possible thanks to the commitment of Professor Rachel Faverzani Magnago, together with the organizing committee. The platform used was made available by UNISUL – Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, the host university of the event in 2020.
Activities carried out Ensus 2020
International lectures:
1. The challenges for the implementation of the SDGs: opportunities for innovation. Roberth Andres Villazon Montalvan, PhD – Università degli Studi di Roma TorVergata
2. Design of Eco-products – Ceramics and Glass. Prof. José Frade, IPLeiria, Portugal
3. New skills in product design and business models for the circular economy: the European KATCH project. Cristina Rocha, National Laboratory of Engineering and Geology, Portugal.
National lectures:
1. Data Integration from different sources in GIS. Helia Farías Espinoza, M.E. – UNIVALI Barragem Norte in José Boiteux/SC – Environmental Licensing. Susana Costa – Environmental Eng. – Civil Defense (SC)
2. The role of knowledge-action networks and area-based conservation and management approaches in promoting the governability of the Brazilian ocean Leopoldo Cavaleri Gerhardinger, Dr. – USP
3. Coastal governance experiences in conflicts of use in the area of the APA da Baleia Franca: the case of Jaguaruna/SC. Nelson Gruber, Dr. – UFRGS Eduardo Martins, Dr. – UFSC
4. Purchasing groups and strengthening family farming in small towns Patricia Sfair Sunye, Dr. – UDESC
5. Territorial Eco-development and Management of Common Resources Carlyle Torres, Dr. – UNESC
6. Urban Traits. Architect Silvia Lenzi
7. Cardboard tubes: potential and limits for sustainable construction. Gerusa Salado, Dr. – UNICAMP
8. URA BEIRA MAR: CASAN’s innovation to restore the environmental quality of the waters of Beira Mar Norte in Florianópolis. Pery Fornari Filho, MBA in Project Management. Operations Manager of the Superint. Regional of Greater Florianópolis – CASAN
9. Investigating the origin of extreme rainfall in Southern Brazil resulting from connections between the Amazon and the 10. 11. Antarctica in the current climate change scenario. Francisco Eliseu Aquino, PhD – UFRGS
12. Recycling is Education. Luiz Falcão, ReÓleo Program. Director of Sustainability at ACIF
13. New materials for achieving sustainability. Luana de Aguiar Vieira, PhD – PUCSC
14. Fashion in the context of sustainability. Neide Köhler Schulte, PhD – UDESC
15. Oktober Consciente, Instituto Gigantes da Ecologia. Joel Dias da Silva, PhD – FURB and IGB
16. Virtuhab research group – integrated sustainable technologies: present, past and future. Lisiane Ilha Librelotto, PhD – UFSC Paulo Cesar Machado Ferroli, PhD – UFSC
The ninth edition of ENSUS was held virtually in May and June 2021, at UFSC – Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Activities held
International Lectures:
1. Mass customization via additive manufacturing. Professor Paulo Bártolo, Ph.D. IPleira – Portugal
2. Decentralized Solutions for the Availability of Drinking Water in Hard-to-Reach Locations. Prof. Ruben Timmers – Netherlands
3. Design for adaptability: a perspective of longevity of use. Rute Gomes – Designer/University of Lisbon, CIAUD
4. Humanitarian Architecture – Prof. Roberto Bologna. UNIFI / Italy.
National Lectures:
1. Building inclusive and safe cities from a gender perspective: what is the role of planners and managers? – Laís Leão, Architect and Urban Planner.
2. Non-conventional Building Materials – Need for Inclusion in University Courses. Normando Perazzo Barbosa, UFPA
3. Opening Lecture of the Bionics and Biomimetics Forum – Biomimetics in Creative Processes – by Thalita Campbell (Tátil Design)
Round tables:
1. Human Ecology: Health and environmental relations – Mediation by Vicente Cerqueira (UFRJ) and Paulo Cesar Ferroli. Debaters: Gil Brito – Designer and researcher (DIDIN-INT/MCT); Theme: Health products – Design and Sustainability; Wilder Ferrer – Architect and Adjunct Professor (FAU/UFRJ); Theme: Hospital architecture; Maria Paula Bonatto – Biologist (Life Science) and Researcher (ESP – FIOCRUZ) Theme: Social determination of health and the challenges for a sustainable world.
2. Effects of the pandemic on sustainable development – Mediation by Gabriel Cremona – UNISUL. Luciana Londero Brandli (UPF); Cláudio Sampaio (UEL); Carlo Franzato (PUC-Rio); Fernando Reiszel (UERJ)
3. Packaging and Environmental Certification: Factors and Design Aspects – Mediation by Vicente Cerqueira / UFRJ. Elen Pacheco (NERDES-IMA/UFRJ) Theme: Sustainability in obtaining packaging; 2- Andréa Franco – Designer and Associate Professor (FAU/UFMG), Theme: Ecodesign and the problem of household packaging waste; 3- Giselle Miranda- Designer and Researcher (Biomanguinhos/FIOCRUZ)- Theme: Rethinking the Packaging System to minimize environmental impact
II National Forum on Bionics and Biomimetics. Coordinated by Prof. Amilton Arruda, PhD. UFPE
10th edition – More information here: ENSUS 2022
The tenth edition of ENSUS was in August 2022, in the state of Pará, held in a hybrid format (in person and virtually), at UNIFESSPA – Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará.
Activities carried out:
International Lectures:
I. The integration of natural materials in 3D printing for construction. Flávio Gabriel da Silva Craveiro, PhD – IPLeira (Portugal)
National Lectures, Cases and Round Tables:
I. Sustainable Cities: The new Urban Agenda and the goals of Sustainable Development. José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra, PhD – UNISUL
II. Architecture and Construction with Earth in Brazil. Célia Neves (Rede Terra Brasil)
III. Architecture and Construction with Earth in Brazil. Jaqueline Leite Ribeiro do Vale, PhD (Rede Terra Brasil)
IV. Architecture and Construction with Earth in Brazil. Letícia Prata Grappi (Rede Terra Brasil)
V. Reuse of materials to minimize environmental impacts. Alexandre de Souza Mavignier Madeira
VI. Mirante do Gavião Amazon Lodge. Patrícia de Almeida O´Reilly
VII. Challenges for the Amazon towards the 2030 Megatrends. Carlos Renato Lisboa Francês, PhD (UFPA)
VIII. Severiano Porto: Modern Brazilian Architecture in the Amazon. Marcos Cereto, PhD (UFAM)
IX. Sustainable Urban Mobility and Traffic. Zuleide Oliveira Feitosa, PhD
X. Road transport, urban expansion and deforestation: the immobility and unsustainability of urban and regional planning. Patrícia Capanema Alvares Fernandes, PhD (UNIFESSPA)
XI. 10 years since the Kiss nightclub fire and advances in materials science. Rachel Faverzani Magnago, PhD (UFSC)
XII. Perspectives on research in the Built Environment. Sérgio Scheer, Dr. (ANTAC – UFPR)
XIII. Cycling infrastructure: a connection to sustainability. Ana Pinheiro, Dr. (UFAM)
XIV. II. [Un]Sustainability, until when? Gabriel Castañeda Nolasco, Dr. (UFAL)
I. Workshop on Conscious Designs: application of environmental comfort strategies. Bruno Scalet
II. Workshop on Autodesk REVIT – Design with Compressed Earth Blocks (BTC). Sérgio Parizotto Filho.
III. Workshop on Conscious Designs: application of environmental comfort strategies. Carolina Antonelli Santesso and Rodrigo Viégas Alves Guerra.
11th edition – More information here: https://ensus2023.paginas.ufsc.br/
The eleventh edition of ENSUS was held from June 5 to 7, 2023, once again at UFSC. The event marked the return of the fully in-person regime after Covid-19 was finally controlled.
Activities held
International Lectures:
1. Prof. Dr. Laia Haurie Ibarra – Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya – Barcelona, Spain: “Valorisation of agricultural by-products in the construction sector”.
2. Prof. Dr. Filipa Alves – Bio-Inspired Design Lab, UNIDCOM-IADE, Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal: “From natural patterns and forms to bio-inspired design”.
National Lectures:
1) Profs. Celso Salamon and Fabiano Ostapiv, UTFPR – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná: “Agricultural greenhouses and geodesic domes made of bamboo – The challenge of joining the stalks”
2) Prof. Anja Pratschke, Associate Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism,
University of São Paulo, Nomads.usp. “Conversation in Architecture: Ecology, Cybernetics and [+artificial] Intelligence” – Opening Lecture
3) Prof. Dr. Felipe Luis Palombini, UFSM – Universidade Federal de Santa Maria: “Beyond the environmental: from the myths of recycling to alternatives for recovering polymeric waste”.
4) Prof. Dr. Germannya D’Garcia, UFPE – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco: “Materials Design and Technology: strategies for sustainability in projects”.
5) Prof. Dr. Sofia Araújo Lima Bessa, UFMG – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais: “Earth architecture and stabilization with waste: innovations in adobe, rammed earth and BTC”.
6) Eng. Carla Bedin. Managing Partner of Otus Engenharia. “Impacts of BIM on Sustainable Projects.”
7) Prof. Dr. Amilton Arruda, UFPE – Federal University of Pernambuco: “Transdisciplinary ecosystems in bionics, biodesign and biomimetics: scientific and technological aspects for a design culture”.
8) Prof. Berenice Martins Toralles, PhD, UEL – State University of Londrina: “3D Printed Housing – a new scenario for civil construction”
9) Prof. José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra, Coordinator of the postgraduate program in Administration (PPGA) at the University of Southern Santa Catarina/UNISUL: “Education for Sustainable Development”
The event also featured the III Biomimetics Forum and the I National Materials Library Forum. There were also exhibitions and workshops, such as the assembly of the bamboo geodesic.
12th edition – More information here: https://ensus2024.blogspot.com/
The twelfth edition took place in Belo Horizonte (MG). With local coordination by UFMG and UEMG, the event took place from August 7th to 9th, 2024.
Activities carried out
International Lectures:
1. “The earthen construction and the sustainability of buildings” – Prof. Christopher Beckett (University of Edinburgh, UK)
National Lectures:
1) “Urban sustainability applied to innovation district projects” – Prof. Gabriela Celani (State University of Campinas, SP)
2) “Frontiers of knowledge in design for sustainability” – Prof. Aguinaldo dos Santos (Federal University of Paraná, UFPR)
Round Tables:
1) “Rehabilitation of cities and buildings” – Prof. Carlos A. Maciel (UFMG), Prof. Denise Duarte (USP) and Prof. Marilia Fontenele (UFF)
2) “Design in the Anthropocene” – Prof. Raquel Noronha (UFMA), Prof. Karine Melo (PUC-RJ) and Prof. Carlo Franzato (PUC-RJ)
3) “Use of waste in civil construction” – Prof. Carina Ulsen (USP), Prof. Ricardo Fiorotti (UFOP) and Prof. Augusto Bezerra (CEFET-MG)
13th edition –
The thirteenth edition will take place again in Florianópolis (SC), on July 30th, 31st and August 1st, 2025.
Come!!! Participate!!! We are waiting for you!